L’ICM lance un appel aux jeunes sages-femmes leader ! 

ICM - 2019 Young midwifery leaders

Après le succès du programme « Jeunes leader sages-femmes » (Young Midwifery Leaders – YML) lancé en 2016 et renouvelé en 2017, l’ICM appelle à présent pour le YML 2019.

Following on from a very successful Young Midwifery Leaders programme in 2016 and 2017, the International Confederation of Midwives (ICM) is now calling for application to the 2019 Young Midwifery Leaders (YML) programme.

The YML programme is a 2-year programme which provides young midwives with a unique opportunity to learn how to develop as leaders in their professional lives and the communities they work in.  The programme challenges young midwives to broaden their knowledge of key policy areas in maternal and newborn health and create innovative projects to address some of the biggest global health challenges of today.

La suite : ICM – 2019 Young midwifery leaders

site Internet de l’ICM – Appel aux jeunes sages-femmes leaders !


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