Les prises de position de l’ICM décrivent les croyances et les principes de la Confédération, pouvant être considérés comme des conseils pour ses membres. Cela comprend des problèmes liés à la profession de sage-femme, à la santé maternelle et néonatale ou des problèmes sociaux et économiques plus larges. Ces documents n’ont pas été traduits en français contrairement aux documents essentiels de l’ICM.
Certaines déclarations énoncent également des orientations pour les travaux de l’ICM :
- Appropriate use of Caesarean Section (2017)
- Appropriate use of Intervention in Childbirth (2017)
- Basic Ongoing Education for Midwives (2014)
- Breastfeeding (2017)
- Birth registration (2014)
- Care of the Newborn (2017)
- Collaboration and Partnerships for Healthy Women and Infants (2014)
- Debt Cancellation and Other Economic Policies that Affect Health and Safe Motherhood (2014)
- Ethical Recruitment of Midwives (2014)
- Exclusive Breastfeeding and HIV Infection (2014)
- Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) (2017)
- Health of Women and Children in Disasters (2017)
- Heritage and Culture in Childbearing ((2017)
- Home birth (2017)
- Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV and Aids) (2014)
- Human Rights of Lesbian, Gay Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) people (2017)
- Impact of Climate Change (2014)
- Keeping Birth Normal (2014)
- Legislation to regulate Midwifery Practice (2014)
- Midwifery Care for Women with Complications of childbirth (2014)
- Midwives and violence against Women and Children (2014)
- Midwives and Prevention of Antimicrobial Resistance (2017)
- Midwives’ Provision of Abortion-Related Services (2017)
- Midwifery an Autonomous Profession (2017)
- Midwifery led Care the First Choice for all Women (2017)
- Midwifery Regulation and Collaboration with Women (2017)
- Midwives, Women and Human Rights (2017)
- Migrant and Refugee Women and their Families (2017)
- Mother and Baby-Friendly Employment Policies for Midwives (2014)
- Obstetric Fistula (2017)
- Partnerships Between Professional Midwives and Traditional Caregivers with Midwifery Skills (2008)
- Partnership Between Women and Midwives (2017)
- Planned Pregnancies and Parenthood (2011)
- Planning and Resources for Midwifery and Reproductive Health Systems (2017)
- Positive Action to Reduce Smoking and second-hand. Smoke exposure in Pregnancy (2017)
- Professional Accountability of the Midwife (2014)
- Prevention of Obstetric Fistula (2017)
- Qualifications and Competencies of Midwifery Educators (2014)
- Role of Community Health Worker in Maternity Care Provision (2017)
- Role of the Midwife in Disaster/emergency Preparedness (2014)
- Role of the Midwife in Physiological Third Stage of Labour (2017)
- Role of the Midwife in Research (2014)
- Sponsorship and Commercial Partnerships (2014)
- Trade Displays (2011)
- The Midwife is the First Choice of Healthcare Professional for Childbearing Women (2014)
- Use of Intermitted Auscultation for Assessment of Foetal Wellbeing during Labour (2017)
- Women, Children and Midwives in Situations of War and Civil Unrest (2014)
- Appropriate maternity services for normal pregnancy, childbirth and the postnatal period (2017)
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